Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day 12

.....that is, this is the 12th consecutive day we've been out of school due to snow and icy roads. The month of February has yet to see students in our school. I'm still parked at the bottom of our driveway and the poor Explorer has been getting triple use, as three drivers share it to safely get up and down our road.

Yep, there's been no school, but there has been knitting. Lots and lots of knitting. Today, most likely my last day at home this week, I'll finish Clue 5 of The Enchanted Wood KAL shawl.
Clue 3

Last night, I finished Clue 1 of the Evenstar KAL -
Evenstar 007

and also knitted a little on my Opening Ceremonies Shawlette, a Ravelympics project.
Evenstar 001

I've enjoyed these snowy days, but now I know it's time for reality to rear its ugly head....time to get back to work and back to school. :( It's back to knitting at night for me!

1 comment:

knittingdragonflies said...

Wow. You are getting a lot done, and it is all lovely.