Saturday, November 6, 2010

Kid Hollow Farm Visit 2010

Today was a perfect fall day - see?

Kid Hollow Farm sky 2010

Several Plurk friends had gathered at Graves Mountain Lodge for their annual knitting weekend. Catspaw & I joined them on an excursion to Kid Hollow Farm for afternoon yarn fondling.

Here's Otto - guardian of the goats.....or mohair on the hoof.


Mohair before -

Mohair after -
brushed mohair

- and here's a little knitting pr*on.....two gorgeous Shetland Pi shawls, as designed by WendyKnits.

Dueling Shetland Pi shawls

...and one of them is the original! Love it!
Original Shetland Pi w/ original knitter

Wish you were here!


~RaenWa~ said...

The mohair is gorgeous as are the Pi shawls. I hope you all had a wonderful time.

100% said...
