Saturday, March 21, 2009

Random Acts of Fiberness

There's been little time for blogging - the school year and my class schedule are both in a death spiral and our lives have been wacky busy as usual. Our busy-ness, however, has not prevented some cool fiberlicious things from squeezing their way into the chaos. First, there was Kat's Random Wednesday package that randomly arrived containing a lovely bit of fluff. You can read about Random Wednesday at her blog. Kat's etsy shop is paper and yarn - she's a generous crafter & wonderful plurk-friend!
Random Wednesday prezzie
Next to not so randomly arrive was a SWAP package from my Cindy Knitters group on Ravelry. CynthiaW from British Columbia certainly knows how to spoil folks! Doesn't all this look wonderful?
Those yarns are Mission Falls (2 skeins of md. blue), Perl Grey (multi-colored), and Berroco Cotton Twist (the exquisite teal). She also included chocolates, post-its, chap stick, hand lotion, stitch markers, a little dinner bell (ala Canada), and these warm and comfy clogs-
- hand made by CynthiaW.
Janice, Stacey, and I are planning to attend the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival in May. I'm saving my dollars for some special purchases, but there was a recent Loopy Ewe sneak-up where I fell down....just a little. Several days later, these arrived at my house:
Fleece Artist Nyoni Special in Bronze
(to be uploaded as soon as DSL stops being wonky)

Sheep Paints in Frozen River
Sheep Paints Frozen River

That same day, moosie arrived...major squeee! Moosie is a spindle made from shed moose antlers. I signed up to be part of a "herd" last year and was thrilled when I got Sheila's email saying it was time to choose. The Bosworths also make lovely wooden spindles - and they're going to be vendors at MSW.
1st moosie #1

....and awhile back, Janice got lucky while stalking the lovely, but elusive Wollmeise. Here's my portion of the booty, Johannisbeer und Brennessel, minus the Hertzblut which was traded for Wilder Mohn.
Johannisbeer und Brennessel
...and lastly, the Mystic Rose KAL began on Friday. I have the first clue printed and my yarn (Wollmeise Lace Garn in Dornroschen) ready to roll. Here's the swatch - this was knitted on US 5s, but I'll do the shawl on US 4s for a tighter stockinette fabric.
(TBP later)

Yep, I'm read to roll - as soon as I finish this last BIG paper. Pausing for a blog update was a nice distraction. Now it's time to put the fibery goodness aside and finish the task at hand. When I'm done, there will lots of fiberiness to occupy my mind!

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