Friday, January 9, 2009

The Awaiting Fiber-Feast.....Yum

FORTUNATELY - It's a new year and I have big plans for lots of spinning time for Merry and me.

UNFORTUNATELY - my chosen profession requires and demands that I do lots of work at home each night

FORTUNATELY - I got to spin quite a bit over Christmas break!

UNFORTUNATELY - I have not touched my wheel since right after Christmas. I also have not knitted one stitch in a week. ACK.

FORTUNATELY - Whenever I get my head above water, I have lots of Christmas present fiber ready and waiting. Here's a sample of the feast.

All of these are Christmas presents from Catspaw(lace), my good buddy and spinning mentor, who said she wanted me to experience a variety of fibers. What a sweetie!

Tussah Silk Top -Stony Mountain Fibers - (how in the world does one spin this stuff?)
Tussah Silk

Gorgeous Hand-Painted Goldie Locks Mohair - Stone Mountain Farm in Carlisle, PA. Apparently there's no website cuz I can't find it!
Goldie Locks mohair

Spinderella's Creations Thrums - yummy mixture of wool, nylon, and angelina

Catspaw really knows how to take care of me!

Right after Christmas, I took a short cruise....on Etsy.... and this is what I found:

Green and Gold all whipped up - This is from Fiber Monster and it's very, very soft!
Fiber Monster

And this - this is called "Sleigh Ride". I bought it because it's beautiful and because I want it to snow- dang it! This is from Wooly Treasures
Wooly Treasures

As soon as my "time-famine" ends, there's a big "fiber-feast" awaiting me. I can hardly wait to dig in !

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