Saturday, February 5, 2011

DS#1 Surprise

I have a January birthday which I tend to celebrate from Christmas until the last possible second of January 31. The older I get, the more I like celebrating my birthday. DH doesn't really "buy" into this idea, no pun intended, but my DSx3 do. Thank Goodness! This year DS#1 asked me what I'd like for my birthday. I sent him a bunch of Etsy links for his consideration. This is what arrived on my doorstep earlier this week.
Yarn bowl
Didn't he do a great job? It's made by Burnt Mill Potters. He said his sweet GF helped a little, but still...I love it! Thank you Nick!

In knitting news, I've finished one mitten, minus the thumb. Yay!
Cat back
Cat palm

Another spindle was also added to my collection. It really chases away the winter blues, don't you think? This one is called Celadon Pivott and is made by Tilt-a-whorl.
Tiltawhorl Celadon

Now I'm putting the b'day celebrations on hold until next year!


Cindy G said...

Bowl, mittens and spindle are all very pretty! Oddly, even though I don't spin I'm particularly taken with the spindle, maybe because it seems to hint of spring.

Meredith said...

such lovely gifts that you will love day after day.
Have a wonderfuld ay,